% Currencies with a denomination of this unit


Denomination % worlds top 20 currencies
1 100%
5 95%
10 90%
50 90%
0.1 85%
0.5 80%
100 75%
2 70%
20 70%
0.05 65%
0.2 50%
0.01 25%
500 25%
0.25 20%
1000 20%
200 15%
0.02 5%
2000 5%
5000 5%


Source: www.xe.com for commonly used denominations

Tool: Excel

1. Includes the worlds top 20 currencies by trading volumes sourced from wikipedia
2. Shows denominations in frequent use according to www.xe.com
3. Currencies which are not decimalized, like Japanese Yen, are / 100 for comparison purposes

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